In 2012 stelde het Europees Parlement (EP) de Europese Energie-Efficiency Richtlijn (EED) vast. De richtlijn vermeldt de Europese doelstelling van een 20% lagere Europees energieverbruik in 2020. Het bevat verplichtingen voor zowel lidstaten als bedrijven. Er zijn twee verplichtingen die sinds juli 2015 gelden in het kader van de europese richtlijn - artikelen 8 en 14. Artikel 8 gaat over de uitvoering van energie-audits door grote ondernemingen en we kunnen u helpen om aan deze regelgeving te voldoen.
In 2012, the European Parlement (EP) established the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED). The aim of this Directive is to help to realise the European target to reduce energy consumption by 20% in 2020. This Directive contains commitments of Member States as well as companies. There are two obligations which are implemented in the provisional regulation of Articles 8 and 14. Article 8 applies to larger companies to carry out an energy audit and we help to comply with this regulation.
By monitoring the energy and/or water consumption of your building portfolio we provide building owners with relevant data demonstrating the overall building performance compared to a average building performance, for instance at national or international level. Consequently we compose a roadmap in which we plan short-term and long-term reduction measures which would improve the overall building performance.
A zero energy building (ZEB) produces enough renewable energy to meet its own annual energy consumption requirements, thereby reducing the use of non-renewable energy in the building sector. ZEBs use all cost-effective measures to reduce energy usage through energy efficiency and include renewable energy systems that produce enough energy to meet remaining energy needs. We can study the potentials of a design to become a 'zero energy building'.